Yale Daily News

In its long history as New York City’s oldest newspaper, Daily News has reported on everything from local government scandals to world events. The newspaper’s most famous story was its coverage of the September 11 attacks, with its front page headline “The World Shook” and its accompanying photographs of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Daily News has also earned a reputation for covering celebrity gossip, sports, and political intrigue.

The paper’s current editorial stance is described as “flexibly centrist” and has a “high-minded, if populist, legacy.” Its record in fact reporting is strong; however, its bias tends to lean to the left of center, according to the Ad Fontes Media ratings.

Daily News provides intense city news coverage, breaking national and international stories, political analysis and opinion, New York sports, Yankees and Mets, and more. Its staff includes award-winning writers, columnists and opinion formers. Its editorial board is composed of a wide range of highly respected voices, from seasoned veterans to young, newcomer journalists.

Its ombudsman, Edith Newton, is a nationally recognized figure and an advocate for the importance of quality journalism. She has called for a revitalized press corps and defended the value of print journalism in a time when the internet has made it easier to spread falsehoods and misinformation.

In 2022, the Yale Library received a significant gift from an anonymous donor in support of the Daily News Historical Archive project. This generous gift facilitated the migration of the archive to a new platform, enabling the addition of issues from 1996 to the present, and will help ensure its ongoing maintenance and preservation.

The paper is published Monday through Friday during the academic year and serves the Yale community of students, alumni, and the surrounding area in and around New Haven, Connecticut. Its content consists of news, opinions, classified ads, sports, culture and entertainment coverage, comics, and an arts section. The Daily News also publishes a weekly supplemental, WKND; the Yale Daily News Magazine; the annual First Year Issue and Commencement Issue; and special issues celebrating Indigenous, Black, Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in collaboration with the university’s cultural centers and affiliated student groups.