Whether you are a law student or someone who wants to become a lawyer, it’s important to know how to spot legal issues. These issues are often unexpected, but can come up when you’re dealing with issues at work, in the family, or even planned events. By identifying and spotting these issues, you’ll be able to prepare yourself for a legal career.
A legal issue is a question or problem that the law has addressed. For example, if you’re accused of a crime, a legal issue may be whether or not you’re guilty. The outcome of the legal issue depends on how the court interprets the law.
You’ll find case law on many core subjects, including health care, immigration, consumer rights, and housing. You can search for cases in a law library, or view cases online through a service like Shepard’s Citations. You’ll also find references to US Supreme Court cases.
Some state law libraries offer online services. Services like Lexis/Nexis’s Shepard’s Citations, and West’s KeyCite, will allow you to search and access case law from many law libraries. However, these services may cost a nominal fee. They’re also available for free at many law libraries.
If you’re looking for cases from Wisconsin or other states, you can search for cases from the North Western Reporter, which features cases from Wisconsin and six other states. You can also use the Government Reference Collection for the latest edition of the United States Code.
If you’re looking for case law from the US Supreme Court, you’ll find cases in the US Reports and Lawyer’s Ed. 2nd series. These cases include summaries of briefs filed, as well as arguments presented in court. The summary will also contain actions taken by the court, including the Supreme Court, the appellate court, and the lower court.
The Constitution of the United States is available in several online locations. It contains references to cases in the US Supreme Court, including cases cited in the US Reports and Lawyer’s Education 2nd series. It can be found in several law libraries, including the Andersen Library and the Government Reference Collection. It can also be found in FindLaw.
The health care industry has focused on the inequalities that exist in the system, as well as on laws that can help remedy these inequalities. For example, President Biden ordered that health care workers in hospitals participating in Medicare and Medicaid must receive the COVID-19 vaccination in September 2021. However, the issue became more contentious in 2021, as more whistleblower complaints began to surface, due to the lack of training and facemask policies.
The health care industry has also been challenged by physician group mergers. In response, the FTC has initiated a study of non-hospital provider mergers in early 2021. The FTC will also examine whether non-price factors contribute to the price of health care. These findings could result in enforcement activity.
In 2021, the term “microaggressions” began to appear more frequently in the national dialogue. Health care providers, along with other employers, began to use statistics in diversity initiatives. This can be effective, but it’s important to ensure that statistics are worded carefully.